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France Jails Muslim over Declaration of Faith


LILLE – A French Muslim man of Moroccan origin is facing trial after police arrested him for allegedly hanging the flag of the so-called Islamic State (ISIL) in his library, a charge denied by the man who said it was the Muslims’ declaration of faith.

“These people have taken them saying it’s ours,” the man, whose name was not identified, was quoted by Morocco World News as telling the court.

“It’s not theirs. They belong to one billion Muslims.

“Unfortunately, we cannot do anything against them. Suicide attacks are not allowed in Islam. It is forbidden to kill innocent Muslims,” he added.

The man, 59, attended his first appear hearing on Monday, February 9, after the police allegedly found a small flag in his bookshop bearing the Islamic declaration of faith.

Defending the man, lawyers confirmed that the black flag was different from that used by ISIL.

The flag carried the Islamic declaration of faith, or shahada, saying, ‘There is no god but God, and Mohammed is the messenger of God.’

Nevertheless, the flag was deemed an “act of terrorism” for which the man faces one year in prison.

The arrest was made last January 15, a few days after the Charlie Hebdo attacks that rocked Paris.

Collective hysteria has apparently engulfed France since the extremist attacks.

The National Observatory Against Islamophobia said over one hundred incidents have been reported to the police since Charlie Hebdo attacks of January 7-9.

The rise in attacks over the last two weeks represents an increase of 110 percent over the whole of January 2014, the organization said on Monday.

Moreover, a Muslim father was stabbed to death in his own home in southern France this week by a neighbor who claimed to be avenging Charlie Hebdo.

Two weeks ago, an 8-year-old Muslim schoolboy was interrogated by French police after refusing to take part in a minute’s silence in honor of victims.

The 8 year old was accused of condoning terrorism as he opposed Charlie Hebdo cartoons.


Article Source: HTTP://WWW.ONISLAM.NET