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Eid Message from the BCMA President


Assalamu-Alaykum-wa Rahamatullahi-wa Barakatahu.

On behalf of the entire BCMA, I extend to you all, a very joyous Eid Mubarak.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, we celebrate `Eid Ul-Fitr, as a day of thanks for having served our Lord sincerely and feeling spiritually recharged.  It marks the end of the month of fasting.  We give thanks and pray that Allah Subhan wa Taala bestows his peace, mercy and blessing upon you.  We ask Allah to accept all our fasting, prayers, supplications, charity and good deeds and forgive our shortcomings.

All of us in this Muslim community are parts of a much larger community, the Ummah of Rasul Allah sallallahu alaihi wa salam. If each member does his or her job, then this community will be able to face all challenges and grow in strength over the years to come. This is the only way that we will all be able to reach our goals and attain good results individually or collectively.

 Cooperation is one of the important foundations the community must build upon.  Before we can begin working on a community level, individual Muslims must find cooperation among their own families.  The family is the building block of society.  Only when a husband and wife find mutual cooperation between each other, based on a set of Islamic guidelines and principles, can they carry out the roles delegated to them.  If they cooperate, then they will raise their children in the correct manner, and those children will then become good citizens in the Muslim community and the society at large.

Therefore, it is our collective responsibility to take charge and lead the way by setting the best example by practicing our deen in our own homes first and encouraging our children to participate as a family unit during the daily salah. We should also encourage our children to participate in the many programs being offered at your local masajid. If you get involved your children will take your lead.

Every person has a force in themselves, and every group is a force in itself.  When these individuals and groups cooperate and unite towards a goal, everyone benefits. The prophet said:  "The bonds of brotherhood between two believers are like the parts of a building; each part strengthens and holds the other."

Let us note that Islam, despite all the negative propaganda, is the fastest growing Religion in the world, especially in Europe and the Americas. In this regard we have established a new program called “Welcome to Islam”. This is customized to serve those who are new to Islam as well as for those who want to learn about Islam and its basic principles. We have completed many presentations to the RCMP, Schools, Church groups and other organizations in an effort to enlighten them about the teachings of Islam, specially the similarities rather then the differences of our religions. Kindly note that we now have an Imam in almost all our masajid and they are there to help guide you. Pease feel free to connect with them for details.

 The fantastic growth of our Surrey Muslim School continues. We have grown from 155 students to almost 275 students in just 3 years. We do carry a large amount of debt on this property and we wish to pay this off as soon as possible with your kind help. Kindly consider giving us an interest free loan (Qard Hasna) which is guaranteed by BCMA or a donation towards the education of our children, the leaders of tomorrow. All your help is greatly appreciated.

Dear brothers and sisters, today is a day of celebration. Take this occasion to gather with family and friends and to reward the children with goodies and toys to bring smiles and lasting memories. Make Eid a time of joy and happiness for all including your neighbors.

Let me take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to Canada, the Province of BC and the City of Surrey for allowing us to hold our second Eid in the park, which is the traditional way of celebrating this beautiful festival. Thank you to all our neighbours and volunteers for providing support. Thank you to many independent musallahs and masjids for joining us in this one of a kind Eid in the Park celebration. This my dear brothers and sisters is the true display of our strength as a community of Rasul Allah sallallahu alaihi wa salam.

In closing, let us pray to Allah Subhan-wa-Taala that He may shower His infinite mercy on the entire Ummah and accept our humble effort towards the common goal of making this world a better place for all to live in peace and harmony

May Allah accept all our ibadaah and continue to keep us on the straight path.

Once again, EID MUBARAK to you all.
Your Brother in Islam.
President, BCMA.
