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Trump’s Victory – Blessing in Disguise


Donald Trump is United?States'?President?Elect, and Hillary Clinton is not. This in fact is a good news for Muslims, because it is Allah’s will, and whatever Allah wills it is best for the believer. In addition, Historically, Islam and Muslims have always excelled during time of turbulent trials, under duress and difficult conditions and have lapsed during favourable conditions. If 9/11 was a wake up call for us to smell the coco beans. Trump's victory is the brunch.  


As a Muslim it is our belief that Mr. Trump’s rise can only mean one thing for us. There is?Khayr (Good)?in Allah's decision. Nothing happens without the will and command of Allah. Allah says in the Quran, "Not a leaf falls but He knows it." Could it be that Hillary Clinton’s victory and subsequently, her foreign or domestic policy may have been more harmful towards Muslims. Muslims in America and elsewhere may have thought that she is lesser of two evils. However, human judgment is prone to err.?Only Allah’s wisdom, knowledge and judgment is absolute. "Allah indeed is best of planners."  


Allah reminds us in?the Quran,?"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." Therefore, as Muslims we should not jump to our own conclusion, based on our faulty judgment, misguided perception, and incomplete knowledge. Rather, we must repose our faith in Allah's wisdom that is all knowing and all encompassing.??


We must accept Mr. Trump’s rise as the supreme will of Allah. Allah says in the Quran, “Say: Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has already ordained for us. He is our protector. And in Allah let the believers put their trust.” The Muslim Ummah has endured even more difficult trials in recent history, and the grace of Allah has protected the believers. This too shall pass.  


As noted by Great Britain’s Independent newspaper within few hours of winning the election, it reported, “A statement on Donald Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims from entering U.S. has mysteriously disappeared from his website.” This goes to show how “Serious” he was about banning Muslims from entering U.S. After all, American Muslims alone represent roughly, $1.7 Trillion Dollars of U.S. GNP.  


On the other hand, Mr. Trump surrounding himself with well-known, right-wing, Islamophobes, and xenophobes like Steve Bannon and Walid Phares, as his closest advisors and strategists, is worrisome. However, it also presents an opportunity for Muslims to unite and establish their rightful place in the North American society as a force to be reckoned with. The mainstream Americans are terrified on the notion of having someone like Mr. Bannon as Mr. Trump’s Chief Strategist. The Latinos, Afro-Americans, Jewish, Women’s Rights Groups, along with Muslims, are some of the targeted groups on Mr. Trump's list. It is time for Muslim in North America to reach out to all those who disagree with Mr. Trump’s racist, bigoted, misogynist, and xenophobic rhetoric and open channels of dialogue and exchange of ideas which did not existed before his victory.  


Undoubtedly, in U.S.?there is an element of fear among all minorities,?especially among Muslims. In?addition?we are also witnessing and experiencing the "Spill-over" effect of Donald Trump's racist,?bigoted, misogynist, and xenophobic message upon which his entire?campaign?posited, mobilizing voters like never before. However, we must also examine the root cause which compelled disenfranchised voters to come out in hoards to elect him despite his convoluted message and unconventional campaign tactics. We cannot label all of Trump's supporters as racists, bigots, misogynist, and xenophobes. Evidently, there is a large groups of voters who voted for him not because they subscribed to, or support his rhetoric. Rather they agree with his economic agenda. Nearly thirty three percent of minorities, including American Muslims have voted for him. To label all of Trump's supporters as racists and Islamophobes would be equivalent to some non Muslims labeling all Muslims as terrorists.  


Clearly there is a rise in?Islamophobia?as well as?anti-Semitic, and racist incidents in U,S. As well as here in Canada.??However, we must turn to Allah for help. We should not be afraid of people. It is one of the traits which?Allah criticizes in the?Quran?very strongly. He says, "And you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him."? 


In essence, Muslims across the globe need to accept the fact that Donald trump’s victory is nothing, except the will of Allah. We cannot yet see it, but there is goodness in it. Just reflect back to September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the twin towers. Muslims were caught off-guard, and were completely unprepared for the immediate backlash. However, the three months following, between September 11 and December 31, 2001 more Americans converted to Islam than the past thirty years combined.  


Having faith in Allah, his wisdom and knowledge is an absolute cornerstone of our belief in him. However, Allah expects more than that from all of us. We as Muslims need to see this near catastrophic turn of events as a test from Allah. Like passing all tests requires effort. Allah will not judge us on an outcome or results. He will, however, judge us on our efforts.  


Especially here in Canada we need to understand that what we witnessed in U.S. could very well happen here in Canada. It is for this reason it is imperative that we unite and take all precautionary measures to avoid such catastrophe here in Canada. The most important step we could take is increase our political activism at all levels, becoming members of political parties, reaching out to our neighbours, friends, colleagues at work, and present the real face of Islam. This would only possible when we turn to Allah. The starting point for us to connect ourselves with the mosque, become an agent of change. The closer we get to Allah, the better Muslims we will become, and the better Muslims we become, we can project Islam and Muslims in a positive manner. Not to mention the protection Allah has promised to the believers.  


It is time we change the narrative surrounding Islam and Muslims and present the real teachings of Islam to the wider society, and let them see and experience the beauty of Islam and pray that Allah Almighty
guide us all on the path of Hidayah -Guidance towards him.
