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Masjid Al salam celebrates 20 year anniversary


On December 18th, Masjid Al Salam celebrated their 20 year anniversary.

The event marked the tireless effort of the volunteers who were part of the project from day one since the idea to build a mosque in Burnaby was conceivd.

Br Imaad's presentation about the project  rekindled a lot of old fond memories.

Guest speaker was none other than Br. Ziad Delic who has been with the team since the beginning.

Dr Ziad played a key role in raising the the much needed funds to pay off for the land acquisition and the construction of the Masjid.

Br Daud Ismail, President of BCMA thanked the Volunteers for their dedication.

Br Yasin was at his best keeping the audience thrilled.

Br Shameem, chairperson of the Branch handed out medals of Honor to the volunteers with br Bob Rahiman who came from Nanaimo especially for the event.

The sisters were also recognized for their efforts by the chair of the ladies chapter, Sister Tazul Ali.

A delicous dinner was served after the event.
