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Most important significance of - 2 'H'!


In fact there are many important meaningful words of 'H', but 2 are the major most important significant 'H' called Halaal/legal and Harraam/illegal for the safety and security of healthy body, mind and Soul. These 2 'H' are based on the commands of Allah-Creator-GOD like the previous command of 'Kosher', and 10 commandments given through Prophet Moses (AS), that are continuous and practiced by the Muslims too.



Obedient to the divine commands proves the unity with the Higher Power-Creator-GOD, a 'Helper' gives free help and has the Healing Power like the Healing power of sweet 'Honey'.

Recognition of the Higher Power leads to the Human concern that removes the hatred of Humanity, purifying the Hearts and spreads Happiness.

The commands of safety and restrictions are in the Divine Scriptural religions only and not in the man made religions. Disregarding the safety code puts mankind in physical and spiritual turmoil.

The Divine Scriptural religions are full of commandments giving the 'True Guidance' for the healthy mind and body, similar to the using Healthy food and drinks without Alcohol and chemicals added in, or the food with the right ingredients.

The sign of Perfect traveling Map to reach the right destination.

If the Map is wrong or fabricated one would definitely get lost going around in circle and would land at the wrong destination, like taking the wrong Train going to the opposite direction..Similarly not following the Divine Guidance would definitely jeopardize one's safety and security, as every illegal action has serious consequences.

Universal Messenger Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) indicated even lying is a sin-criminal act, so avoid which that hurts others, respect the Divine Law as well as the Law of the land, be obedient to the Higher Power who is your 'Helper'. Unite with 'HIM' that will unite with other 'Humans', who are part of your 'one community'.  

This is undeniable fact that first unity and obedience to the Higher Power is the best of the character of an obedient Citizen.

Subsequently, the constitutional Law of the Land indicates the same, to follow the rules and regulations for our own safety.

If one doesn't follow the Road Signs of 'Traffic Lights',  the Stop or No entry Signs, or 'No drink and Drive', one gets hurt but puts others in harms ways and gets into a big trouble with the Law that doesn't allow any kind of disobedience and right away issues the ticket or punishes severely according to the crime committed. Which proves ignoring the Law is hurting oneself and others around you too.

Evidently, no one in his/her right mind would ever attempt to remove the 'Road Signs' or fight against the law of the Land that is to secure our safety, yet the rebellious mankind has nerves to ignore the Divine Warning Signs, and abuse the law abiding citizens of both the worlds as backward or Wahabi.

The only difference in both the laws is that GOD forgives our mistakes again and again after genuine repentance unlike the law of the land that punishes right away.
