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The steps ahead for 2018


2017 is officially past history and 2018 is future in progress. For the past fifteen years at this time we remind ourselves and encourage others to ensure that this year for our community is better than the last. This is an on-going and ever evolving process that should not cease. As a minority in this country especially under these trying times where entire world’s attention is focussed on one faith Group it is imperative that we strive and struggle to improve our situation at all levels. To project the real teachings of Islam as it is. To achieve that we need to work on our individual self. It is only when we inculcate true teachings of Islam in our daily lives,within our own immediate family and among our sphere of close friends and family members, is when we will be able to project the real Islam to others.

As each January we remind ourselves abd others to make this year’s resolution to contribute towards the nourishment of our spiritual world - Spirituality.

Active and meaningful contribution to our community - Volunteerism.  Make political participation a must do thing on our list - Political Activism. Helping the needy and poor not only with cash rather with our time - Charity Work. Ask ourselves what are we doing to share our Deen with others - Propagation or Projection of true Islam.  

We must understand that the menace of Islamophobia. It’s is simply not going to disappear on its own. We all need to make this a priority to not only eliminate, rather eradicate this disease, individually and collectively for the future of our children.

We keep hammering the importance of fighting this menace. Thankfully, we can see the difference. However, it is no where close to call for celebration. However, increasing activism among our youth on this importance and crucial matter is in fact a victory in itself.

There’s absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind - even among the harshest critics of Islam - that Islam is a peaceful religion and its adherents are amongst the most tolerant, charitable, and peace loving individuals.

Unfortunately, there’s an entire industry - A Multi-Billion Conglomerates - that thrives on invoking fear in public’s heart and mind. Simply because fear sells. The past century witnessed this industry flourished on selling fear of Germans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Russian Communism, etc.

For the past few decades when people stopped buying into the hoax or fear of German, Japanese and Communist invasion  threatening their way of life. This particular industry has shifted their focus away from them and dedicated all resources towards the spread of Islamophobia.

There is only one way to combat this manufactured fear against Islam and Muslims as demonstrated to us through the Seerah (Life or Legacy) of our beloved prophet Mohammed, Peace be upon him. Inculcate his Seerah in our daily lives and the Islamophobia will vanish from our society.

The only way to inculcate it in our lives is by start practicing Seerah rather than preaching it.

One companion brought his son to Prophet Mohammed PBUH, complaining that he eats too much sweet, asking Our Prophet to instruct his son to stop consuming sweet as it is not good for him. Our beloved prophet asked the man to come back after ten days. When the companion returned with his son after ten days. The Prophet told the boy not to eat so much sweet.  The companion was puzzled that why the prophet took ten days to make such a simple instruction. He raised the issue with the Prophet, inquiring why he did not instruct his son ten days ago. The prophet replied, that he too likes the sweet. Ten days ago he used to eat the sweet. For ten days he went in a strict diet of sweet - not consuming anything sweet. The moral of the story was, how can he, the Prophet preach someone against something which he himself does not practiced.

In light of the above, what we learn is that we can narrate the true teachings and virtues of Islam until we turn blue. It would be meaningless efforts without bearing any fruits or causing any impact on others. Unless and untill we start practicing the true teachings of Islam. At that point there would be no need to preach. The general public would be able to witness themselves the true teachings of Islam and will themselves become the defenders of Islam against any attempts by the multi-billion dollar industry that’s now thriving on spreading Islamophobia.

The very first and most important change we all need to inculacate in our lives is adopting the moral character of our beloved prophet. His teachings, his conduct, his behaviour. As Allah mentions in the Quran, “Indeed you stand on an exalted standard of character.” (Al-Qalam 68:4)  

No matter how hard we try it, even collectively. We can never reach his exalted standard. However, individually we can start inculcating as many portions as we know or learn and that would be enough.

As the sayjng goes, charity begins at home. “The most perfect believer in faith is the one who is best in moral character. The best of you are those who are the best to their spouses in manners.” (al-Tirmidhi 1082)

So let’s begin with our own homes. Let’s correct our Muaamalaat (dealings) within the four walls of our homes, starting with our spouses, our children, our siblings and parents.

This is the least we could do to fight the greater menace of Islamophobia and hopefully these baby steps taken today at micro levels may become the catalyst to bring greater changes at macro levels in fight against Islamophobia.

We wish you all the best in your efforts and we pray and hope that 2018 prove to be better than 2017 for our community at large.
