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The Egyptian Academy for Arabic and Islamic studies concluded its school year with three major events.


The “Girls in Action” group of pre- teen and teen students raised funds to buy necessary food items for needy families to be distributed before the start of the holy month of Ramadan; while their counterpart male students led a project to collect lightly used and new school bags to be sent to Syrian refugees who were forced to relocate from their home towns. Both projects were quite successful.

Our annual Quran Competition was a great accomplishment. More than 80 students enrolled in the competition judged by several Alymas (knowledge seekers) who hold certificates in Tajweed. The winners, who ranged in age from 7 – 16 years,  received monetary prizes as well as trophies for their hard work and achievements. A special trophy was awarded to an 11 year old student who memorized 8 chapters of the Holy book, Mashalla. Parents, students, and school personnel were all very proud of the hard work and effort put into the event.

Our annual end-of-school year party also included the presentation of students’ projects that were prepared through the school year on different Islamic topics such as stories about the companions of the Prophet “PBUH”, Islamic cities, Prophets of Islam, why Jesus is not God etc. The event concluded with our young students of KG1, KG2 and Grade 1 surprising the audience with some great anasheeds and a gift that was hand-made for moms.

The Academy celebrated 6 high school students who were students in the Academy and took "grade 11 Arabic as Second Language" Certificate exam. This certificate is required to graduate from high school and get accepted in post-secondary institutes in BC. The Egyptian Academy is the only weekend school that has an accredited Arabic Language program and is authorized to issue this certificate.

The Egyptian Academy would like to congratulate all its students, volunteers and staff for a very fruitful year and appreciates all their hard work and commitment. Our doors will open again on Sunday, September 16, 2018 for the New School Year 2018 – 2019 at Coyote Creek Elementary School, 8131 156 street, Surrey, BC.

Registration is open online.

