Canadian politicians display gross ignorance, leading to rise of alt-right, and hate mail against Canadian Muslims.
The hate letter from the Clann to Markaz Al Islam, Edmonton Mosque on January 30, 2019, bring hate to another level and proves Islamophobia exist and there is need to be action taken against hate of all forms, the letter said, “On behalf of real Albertans, we would like to advise you that you and your religion don’t belong here in Alberta,” and “We are White. We are Christians. We are Proud,
January 29 marks the anniversary of one of the worst acts of terrorism in Canadian history, when a man entered a Quebec mosque and senselessly murdered six and injured 19. Despite this, Deputy Mayor of Gatineu Nathalie Lemieux recently stated that Islamophobia is an issue that doesn't exist, and it was instead "Justin Trudeau ... who invented the problem. He's trying to provoke problems where there aren't any". She further added. “These people do a lot of bad things, with their trucks and things. It’s normal to be scared of them.” Her comments came after Premier Francois Legault said there is no Islamophobia in Quebec and shut down the proposed designation of a national anti-Islamophobia day on the 29th. Furthermore on Wednesday February 6, Quebec status of women minister calls Muslim head scarf symbol of oppression.
However, these sentiments are not without protest. Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin stated he's distancing himself from Lemieux and requesting her replacement; "Not only do I completely dissociate and denounce the Councillor's words, but I also believe she can no longer speak in my name. The role of the city is to bring together communities to promote a better understanding of one another, (and) we won't succeed with words that polarize this much and that harm the city in its role in as discussion partner for all the communities". The support is further seen in Toronto, where Mayor John Tory stated "On behalf of City Council, I've proclaimed [Jan 29] The Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia. Let us stand with Toronto's Muslim community to combat Islamophobia and remember the 6 innocent individuals murdered while at prayer 2 years ago in Quebec City".
UCP denounces racist letter sent to Edmonton mosque after party logo was used, Jason Kenney said, “that hatred and bigotry have no place in Alberta” he further said,“ All Albertans must be free to practice their faith in peace.” The Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “Canadian across the country stand with you and all members of Muslim community uniting in solidarity and hope’”
Calgary Imam, Fayaz Tilly posted this on Facebook, “Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.” —Abraham Joshua Heschel
This is following Ottawa's Commons Heritage Committee's 2018 recommendation to declare the 29tha "national day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia and other forms of religious discrimination". The proposal aims to commemorate the 2017 attack in the Quebec City mosque. The discourse is gaining traction as Muslim groups across Canada advocate for the designation. Dr. Mukarram Zaidi, Chairman Think for Actions said, “We believe Canada's diversity is one of its greatest strengths, and every effort should be made to ensure Canadians of every background and faith feel protected in this great nation”.
Dr. Mukarram Zaidi, Chair Think for Actions, 5878908321, chairman@thinkforactions.com