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Masjid Al Aqsa and the Human Rights efforts in Muslim Community


Aqsa to Muslims is like The Church of England is to United Kingdom. 

Just imagine if there was ever an attack on the Church of England, by any nation. Within hours, UN Security Council meeting would be held and the nation that dared to attack the Church would be sent back to the stone-ages. However, when the sanctity of Masjid Al Aqsa- One of the three holiest places for Muslim is violated, there is hardly any measurable action taken. Alas we ask as Allahs says in Surah Nisa Verse 75-76;

And what is it with you? You do not fight in the cause of Allah and for oppressed men, women, and children who cry out, “Our Lord! Deliver us from this land of oppressors! Appoint for us a saviour; appoint for us a helper—all by Your grace.”        

Believers fight for the cause of Allah, whereas disbelievers fight for the cause of the Devil. So fight against Satan’s devils forces. Indeed, Satan’s schemes are ever weak.

Reflecting on the above verses Allah is approaching the believers, but the believers are nowhere to be seen except issuing statements on papers that is destined for the incinerator. 

Indeed, the Ummah has lost it previous glory and the current collective will of the ummah surmounts to a dog waging its tail waiting for the master to have some mercy. 

While the ordinary citizens and their efforts such as sending petitions, protesting, peaceful activities, and the efforts of Non-Governmental Organizations are going in vain with no real outcome for the establishment of peaceful and meaningful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, it is clear one side is the Occupier – an Apartheid state – and the other occupied-as the Green party of Canada quoted. The latest report on Human Right Watch states: “These deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

The NDP positions is clear. They are calling on Canada to stop selling arms to countries that violate Human Rights and International Laws. 

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh accused the Liberal government of “arming one side of the conflict” and stated “It is undermining the peace process and it is supporting illegal occupation,” Singh said May 12th in the House of Commons. 

He asked “Will the prime minister commit to stopping the sale of arms to Israel while they are violating international human rights?”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not answer the question. Instead, he said the government is “following the situation with grave concern.” Although he flagrantly stated, “Rocket attacks on Israel are completely unacceptable” and defended Israel’s right to self-defence. Meanwhile made no mention of Israel literally carpet-bombing Gaza. Canadian Muslims are outraged at the PM for his shear insensitive and hypocritical double standards. 

However, as Muslims in Canada we cannot blame Trudeau or any elected member of parliament for their response. It is our own complicity due to which we find ourselves in this dilemma. 

It is time for introspection. Let’s ask some tough bitter questions, such as: What have we done for the Palestinian cause other than just lip service. Do we have any local and national body that advocates Muslims issues without any holds back due to lack of resources? How many Masjid organizations Have a Human Rights Director? Here in BC Perhaps Zero. When Calls are made to reform our own organizations to include a human rights director, we play politics with ulterior motives and defeat the motions. So, we have none to blame except our own self for giving up on Aqsa, Palestine, Uighur, Kashmir and Rohingya a long time ago. We only stand when it is a popular thing to do just to show we are with you in a tweet or a post on Facebook. While this least bit of activism on behalf of the oppressed is quite Honourable thing to do, compare to thousands more who remain tone-deaf to the miseries of oppressed Muslims choose to remain silent, and try to pretend they didn’t even know about it. Whether it’s mental slavery or just afraid to be someone supporting Palestine over Israel, afraid to hit the like button, share, or even comment. Although they do know that their like, share, and comment will trigger social media portal’s algorithms and its propensity to reach to the wider population. Shamefully, that’s the depth we have fallen to that we cant even push our finger, let alone lift it to support oppressed Muslims in other parts of the world. 

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever among you sees evil, let him change it with his hand. If he is unable to do so, then with his tongue. If he is unable to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of faith.” Saahih Muslim 49

Considering the Above hadith, clear force is only allowed in present times for the Governments, or Rulers whom Allah has given a legitimate role to play for the affairs of the ummah. They will be questioned for their role and we will be questioned for our roles. What part did we play to help the rulers? And what part are we playing on our civic responsibilities. There are many options to take part in. As a start, find one cause and join on a regular basis. 

And finally, what is the condition of our amaals - Deeds. How are we going to ask Allah for help if we ourselves are indulged in activities displeasing to Allah, and especially if our source of income is from haram means. How are our prayers (Duaas) will be accepted? 

Do whatever small thing you can do to become the voice of the Palestinians and other oppressed Muslims around the world. You may think it’s a small thing and cannot amount to anything. Always remember the “butterfly effect” that “the minor perturbations of a single butterfly flapping its wings has the power to set off a string of escalating events that can lead to the formation of a hurricane.” 

If you cannot do anything, then at least try flapping your wings like a butterfly. Whether it will turn into a tornado or a hurricane. Leave that up to Allah. 

Here are some actions we can take in Support for Masjid Al Aqsa and Palestine
