Dawa in Fiji
In great zeal and Islamic spirit Brother Zoeb Hassan along with some of his Fijian native assistants have dedicated themselves to spread the word of Islam in FIJI Islands. Brother Zoeb is a part-time IERA (Islamic Education and Research Academy) Coordinator for Fiji. IERA is an Islamic organization that gives dawa mainly to indigenous people all over the world, while also focusing on reaching those living in remote areas where dawa activities are absent. Please click on this link to learn about IERA: https://us1.campaign-archive.com/?u=ebb500c4922ec74a0f5b35a48&id=0d16f3ae8b&e=258d490619
Brother Zoeb has already helped many Fijian brothers and sisters revert to Islam. Aside from doing dawa as a volunteer (including bringing new reverts to the masaajid/schools, organizing their funerals, and building small centres in villages and towns), he is self-employed as a taxi driver and has responsibilities and expenses for his own family. Taking this challenge of giving dawa alone to remote villagers is difficult. It takes a lot of time and money. Covid has made this even more difficult, as we can all understand.
MashaAllah Brother Zoeb is a ‘one man army’ doing all sorts of dawa work: training Muslim taxi drivers on how to give dawa, educating born Muslims how to treat our indigenous brothers and sisters, distributing dawa materials, conducting street dawa, etc. It is not an easy task, given that there are only 8-10% of Muslims who live in Fiji.

The dawa work Brother Zoeb is doing is not affiliated with any Fijian Muslim organization or group. They are solely and exclusively giving dawa to spread the truth for the salvation of all.
Br Musa Ismail and Jamal Azad in Vancouver are in contact with Br. Zoeb. They said, “Zoeb has plans to buy a 4x4 van in good reliable condition in order to reach and invite more native brothers and sisters in Fiji to Islam. The estimate is Fijian $30,000 to $40,000.”
Our focus is to give dawa but in the end, hidaya is from Allah. As we progress with our mission, InshaAllah when visiting Fiji someday we will see many new native Muslims living in peace and harmony with all other Muslims.
For more information about the Dawah work in Fiji please contact:
Musa Ismail 778-231-5100
Jamal Azad 604-617-7488