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Muslim Food Bank welcomes new Afghan Immigrants


“The holy Quran requires the faithful to comply with agreements and treaties o n the rights o f refugees [ 5 :1 ] . It provides a set of instructions in dealing with refugees and migrants, praising those who go to the assistance of people in distress and requiring the faithful to protect refugees [ 9 :100 and 117] ”

Muslim Food Bank and Community Service is here to support our brothers and sisters in our Canadian communities. Alhamdulillah with the praise of Allah swt and with all your contributions, efforts, and encouragement we are able to provide food resources, employment support, mental health support and various programs for our youth and seniors!

On Saturday November 27, 2021 Muslim Food Bank provided household items such as blankets, pots and pans, cooking oil and flour to the new Afghan refugee’s who like to call our Muslim “ Hero’s.” A very tasty warm lunch was provided from the Afghan Chopan Restaurant. It was such a blessing to see the smiles on everyone’s face, making these newcomers happy make us feel so grateful to be a part of this new happiness with them. We should all keep in mind and remember that we should always make sure everyone knows they matter and that they are worth a lot more than what they may think. It is important to make sure that these refugees know that there are brothers and sisters who are here to help them during the difficult times.

Ashiana Khan from Media Waves team and Bruce Ralston MLA for Surrey-Whalley was also present a t the event and was extremely impressed and nothing but positive feed back about how Muslim Food Bank organizes their events.

We always encourage new volunteers to come forward and help us a t the Muslim Food Bank

12941 115 Ave #104 , Surrey, BC V3R 0E2 .

"And whoever volunteers is good - then indeed, Allah is appreciative and Knowing." [ Quran 2 :158 ]


Article Source: ALAMEENPOST