Demolish Illegal Churches’: Hindutva Fundraiser in Texas Kicks Up a Storm
On November 27, a Frisco-based nonprofit called Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) held a fundraising event, among other causes, for demolishing what it calls “illegal” churches in India. The protest will also call for IRS and FBI investigations into GHHF and similar US-based groups raising and sending money to persecute India’s religious minorities.
Protestors will also call on the Internal Revenue Service and Department of Justice to investigate GHHF.
“Any charity raising money in the U.S. to destroy places of worship overseas is abhorrent, immoral, and wrong,” said Nahela Morales, Board Member of CAIR-DFW. “We call city officials to condemn this action and for the IRS and government agencies to investigate this charity. To those who work with GHHF I want to say shame on you, and we will not stand for donations to be used to demolish Churches in India.”
“Hate and violence against religious minorities have been mainstreamed in India by Hindu supremacists, and GHHF has been explicit about its intent to contribute to that hatred,” said Noor Baig with IAMC. “GHHF has also repeatedly claimed that Christians are a danger to Hindus and that converting Christians to Hinduism is the ‘righting of a wrong.’
In 2021, human rights groups documented nearly 800 hate crimes against Christians in India.
CAIR's mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.