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International Refugees Support Foundation (IRSF) helped over 500 new refugees and low income families


International Refugees Support Foundation (IRSF), a nonprofit organization established in May 2022. Since then it has helped over 500 new refugees and low income families with their wide range needs o f groceries, clothes, beds and blankets and other households including but not limited to strollers, dishes, essential furniture.. Despite limited resources, IRSF strives tirelessly to make a difference and are reaching out to the community for support. 

Despite resource constraints, the organization goes the extra mile by providing necessities, including baby formula and wheelchairs for seniors, based on their specific requirements.. 

In addition, IRSF extends a warm welcome to new families through specially cura te d welcome packages. These packages include groceries to alleviate immediate food insecurity and blankets for comfort and warmth. Such gestures symbolize the organization’s commitment to supporting refugees from their earliest moments in B C . 

[IRSF Member, Nusrat Haq, delivering groceries and carpet for a new refugee family on March
12th, 2023]

With a significant number of refugees coming from Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan, and other countries, IRSF is dedicated to respecting their cultural backgrounds b y providing culturally appropriate items, including clothing. Furthermore, recognizing the religious and cultural needs, the organization addresses the high demand for Qura n s and prayer rugs, which hold great significance for many refugees from Muslim backgrounds. During the past Ramadan in 2 0 2 3 , IRSF distributed food packages to over 1 0 0 families in need. 

Expressing gratitude for any support received, Nusra t Ha q , representing IRSF, stated, “Though our resources are limited, we firmly believe that every individual and family deserves the opportunity to thrive. B y tailoring our assistance and addressing specific needs, we strive to make a meaningful difference in their lives.” 

To learn more about IRSF and find out how you can contribute o r volunteer, please visit www.irsfcha rity.o rg o r contact Nusrat Haq at 604 -644 -3353 . 


Article Source: ALAMEENPOST