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After serving Muslim community in Surrey, BC, for more than 4 decades, Haji Shaukat Ali, received an honorable farewell discharge by Masjid Al Noor, on July 1st. 

Ali, a resident of Surrey, BC, is one of the few founders of Masjid Al Noor when the property was purchased in 1994.

He served as a Board Member for the Shura committee along with 9 other founding members for almost 3 decades. Initially, the founders took interest free loans in the community, and later organized many fundraising events to pay off the Masjid loan swiftly.  

His dedication, devotion and commitment speak for its self. From cooking food at home with his wife, and selling food on Friday’s during the Juma salah, to generate income for the Masjid, carrying handy tools in his car for repairing and maintenance for the Masjid and keeping place clean for the congregates was his primary goal for the last 3 decades serving Masjid Al Noor.  

Mr Ali, migrated to Vancouver from Sabeto Fiji, in December of 1978 at the age of 34, along with his wife and three sons.

At $1.20 an hour wage rate back then, he worked very hard to raise his family in a country which was very different than what he left behind. He bought his first house year  after migrating to Vancouver and sold that house and moved to Surrey in early 80s.  

He settled in Surrey, build his family home on his own with the skills he possessed from back home. He gave away the basement of that new house to run as a Madrasah classes learning to read Quran, for almost 60 students led by Surrey Jamea Masjid Imam, Qari Abdul Wahab, back then. 

At age 79, Haji Shaukat Ali, has now retired from most of the task. He has 3 sons, a daughter and 9 grandchildren. 

On July 1st, he took an early retirement before the age of 80, from Masjid Al Noor Shura committee to make room for other young ones to join and serve.  

“Its good to be recognized, but I make dua to Allah that all my contribution is accepted and rewarded hereafter” said Haji Shaukat Ali.


Article Source: ALAMEENPOST