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Kashmiri sacrifices will not go in vain: Sardar Abdul Khalique Wasi


“Kashmir is facing worst kind of persecution unleashed by 900,000 Indian military and paramilitary forces. Civilian population is being killed, maimed, blinded, incarcerated, tortured and humiliated by the occupational forces which has total immunity given under draconian laws of India. Modi administration is using all available military might to suppress the peaceful political resistance movement of Kashmir. It was vitally important that self-determination be granted to the people of Jammu and Kashmir to bring peace and stability to the region of South Asia,” this was stated by Sardar Abdul Khalique Wasi, former member of the Azad Jammu & Kashmir Council at a reception given in his honor at Kashmir House, Maryland, USA.

Sardar Abdul Khalique Wasi urged that Kashmiri American community, living in Washington and New York metropolitan areas to participate in a peaceful protest at the United Nations headquarters in New York on September 22, 2023, during the speech of Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. He added that the sacrifices given by our compatriots in Indian occupied Kashmir are unparalleled in the history of South Asia. We cannot let these sacrifices go in vain under any circumstances

Sardar Abdul Khalique Wasi further stated that the people of Azad Kashmir have always stood by the Kashmiris in this endeavor, and other countries of the world should take note of the atrocities committed by India against the Kashmiris. Sardar  Wasi emphasized that Kashmiris, regardless of their political affiliation or ideology, will not accept any solution for Kashmir other than the right to self-determination.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum said that we are honored to have Sardar Abdul Khalique Wasi Sahib among us on this occasion. Sardar Wasi Sahib, Dr. Fai said is an articulate, kind, decent intellectual with pleasant personality. That is the reason that the Kashmiri American community enthusiastically welcomed Sardar Wasi in New Jersey, Brooklyn, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Maryland and else.

Dr. Fai emphasized that our objective of peaceful protest on September 22, 2023, is to draw attention of the United Nations to the situation in Kashmir and to exert pressure on the government of India to resolve dispute and help stop human right violations in Indian occupied Kashmir. Dr. Fai expressed sincere appreciation to the Americans of Azad Kashmir ancestry for their unwavering support to the ultimate objective – right to self-determination.

Raja Liaqat Kayani, President of Kashmir House, Maryland thanked the chief guest, Sardar Wasi Sahib and other attendees for honoring the occasion. Kashmir House belongs to every person who stands with the cause of the people of Kashmir. We do welcome everybody here, irrespective of their party affiliation or political orientation, Raja Liaqat Kayani stated.

Sardar Zarif Khan, Honorary Advisor to the President of Azad Kashmir and emcee of the event drew the attention of Biden Administration to the grave human rights situation in Kashmir and urged the United States to intervene in facilitating a meaningful tripartite dialogue between India, Pakistan and genuine leadership of Jammu & Kashmir.

Syed Faisal, from Dubai expressed his admiration to the Kashmiri American community for being the ambassadors of peace in the United States for the cause of Kashmir.
Sardar Zubair Khan demanded the releasing of all political prisoners in Indian occupied Kashmir, including Yasin Malik, Masart Aalam, Shabir Ahmed Shah, Aasia Andrabi, and others. We also demand the repeal of various special repressive laws; and demand that India restore the rights of peaceful association, assembly and demonstrations, Sardar Zubair added.

Prof Saeed Khalil said that if India professes that it is a democracy then fulfilling the promise that it has given to the people of Kashmir is the right thing to do. That promise, Professor Saeed added was that the future of Kashmir shall be decided by the people of the territory through a plebiscite conducted and supervised by the United Nations

Khurshid Abbasi, a well-known journalist said that the press freedom is muzzled and censored in Indian occupied Kashmir to silence the people who demand their birth right – right to self-determination. He suggested that it is better for Indian authorities to shun its stubborn approach and resolve this long pending issue.
Sardar Aftab Roshan Khan, the local host of the chief guest, said that Indian army is pushing the nation of Kashmir to the brink of genocide. There is no freedom in Kashmir, only death, destruction, and oppression.

Shafiq Shah of Maryland said that it is a fact that Kashmir conflict remains the underlying cause of the nuclear confrontation between India and Pakistan We believe that it is only fair that the Kashmir dispute must be decided in accordance with the wishes of the people of Kashmir and under United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Sardar Shakeel Khan’s message to the people of Kashmir was simple: continue your peaceful struggle; freedom is ours; and don’t compromise on your basic principle of self-determination.

Others who spoke included:  Sardar Shakeel Anjum, Mazhar Kayani, Sardar Aftab Khan of west Pachiot, Sardar Tariq Khan, Khalid Faheem, Sardar Abid Khan, Danish Asghar, Shereen Khan, Latif Kayani, Sardar Javaid Shafee, Sardar Jahanzeb Khan, Shaheen Khan and others.

Dr. Fai is the Chairman, World Forum for Peace & Justice.

He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435.    Or.
