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Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and his Liberal Party has made their position unequivocally clear to all Canadians that their slogans of “two-state solution” regarding Palestine-Israel conflict is merely a lip-service to appease Canadians. When push comes to shove, they will never support the establishment of a free and independent Palestinian state. 

The world has realized that 1993 Oslo Peace Accord, where the idea of two-state solution was agreed upon was simply a Hoax. Its evidently clear that it was nothing but a western conspiracy to strengthen Israel as the western colonial power in the region and expand its territory while keep dangling the carrot of two-state solution, without ever making any meaningful efforts to find a lasting and peaceful solution.

Thirty years is a long time for the western colonial powers who support Israel with absolute impunity to carve up a plan and force its military and economic dependant Israel to agree to terms where Palestinians and Israelis can live side-by-side in peace. The fact of the matter is that the western nations, including Canada, have no desire whatsoever to see the establishment of free Palestine. Nowhere it was more evident than on May 10, 2024, when 193 member nations voted by a wide margin to grant Palestine new “rights and privileges” to Palestinian representatives and called on the Security Council to favourably reconsider their requests to have a Palestinian State become the 194th member of the UNGA. Canada Abstained!

So much of sloganeering by Mr. Trudeau and his desire and commitment to a “two-state solution.” When Mr. Trudeau was provided with an opportunity to put his money where his mouth is, he chose to remain silent.

Where 143 of the 193 UNGA member nations overwhelmingly supported the motion by voting YES. Canada was one of the 25 nations that abstained. 9 voted against it. 

After the vote, Mr. Trudeau, resorted to political rhetoric to defend miscalculated decision. As reported by the CBC, “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau later said the country refrained from voting because of its commitment to reaching a two-state solution — a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank and in Gaza alongside Israel.”

Excuse us, maybe we are not as intelligent as our PM. However, Mr. Trudeau’s response has all logical minds confused. Israel is already a member of the UNGA. For a two-state solution, wouldn’t it be logical to grant Palestine just as equal status as Israel at the UN to have the concept of “two-state solution” materialize. Logically, this would be the first step. Meanwhile, Canadian government under Mr. Trudeau and for the past 30 years lauding about it as the only way for the peace in the middle east. When the opportunity arose, Canada chose to take the escape route. 

Let’s break down the hypocrisy of Mr. Trudeau, in his own words, which is blatantly evident when defending this unconscionable decision by Canada at the UN. 

On May 10th, Mr. Trudeau, was in West Kelowna held a news conference on another matter. However, after the press conference he shared his thoughts with journalist and commented the following: 

"Over the past while, we've seen us move further away from that two-state solution.” 

No kidding. We wonder if Mr. Trudeau figured this out on his own or others had to help him understand this fundamental logic, the illusion of “two-state solution” which is at the core of western colonial unconditional support for Israel? 

He further added, “The Israeli government, under Prime Minister Netanyahu, has unacceptably closed the door on any path towards a two-state solution, and we disagree with that fundamentally." 

This statement by Mr. Trudeau is also confusing. It seems as if he disagrees with Israeli PM and considers Netanyahu blameworthy and sees him as an impediment to the “two-state solution.” 

However, Mr. Trudeau, besides his verbal rebuke of Netanyahu, neither he nor his government has taken and meaningful and measurable action against Israel or Mr. Netanyahu. In fact, Mr. Trudeau treads water very carefully and often ends his speech on the topic reassuring Mr. Netanyahu of his and Canada’s support. 

According to the PM website and statement issued after Mr. Trudeau has spoken with Mr. Netanyahu on several occasions since October 7, and concluded his talk with statements, such as: 

“Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime Minister Netanyahu reaffirmed the strong bond between Israel and Canada and agreed to remain in contact as the situation develops.” December 12, 2023 

“To our Israeli friends, Canadians stand with you. The Government of Canada stands ready to support you – our support for the Israeli people is steadfast.” October 8, 2023

Finally, Mr. Trudeau stated "At the same time, Hamas continues to govern as a terrorist organization in Gaza, [and] continues to put civilian lives in danger, continues to refuse to recognize the state of Israel in ways that are also unacceptable.”

With all due respect, we are neither defending Hamas, nor condoning their action. PM Trudeau seemed to have forgotten that Hamas is the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people, and not just of Gaza Strip. 

Mr. Trudeau needs to update himself on the history of adaptation of western democratic values by the Palestinians and respect their collective choice. 

Fact of the matter is it is believed that path to the “two-state solution” Palestine was to adopt the western style democracy, which they agreed in 2006. 

January 25, 2006, Legislative General Elections were held in Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip) to elect Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) and the legislature of Palestinian National Authority (PNA). 

Hamas received 44.45% of the popular vote, garnering 74 of the 132 seats. Meanwhile he ruling Fatah received 41.43% of the vote resulting in 45 seats. 

March 29, 2006, Mr. Haniyeh, leader of Hamas, is sworn in as the elected Prime Minister. 

March 30, 2006, Canada becomes the first country after Israel to cut-off aid ($7.3 Million) and diplomatic ties with the Palestinian Authority. 

With all due respect, the days are over of employing the old colonial tactics of installing a puppet regime of dictators and despots in other parts of the world, disguised as western democratic values, but ultimately serve the western masters and their colonial interest.

If Mr. Trudeau is truly committed to the “two-state solution” than he also needs to respect the collective democratic choice of the Palestinian people. 


Article Source: HTTPS://PRESS.UN.ORG