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Sabeto Fundraiser: A Night of Community and Commitment


On June 8, a small group of brothers and sisters gathered at Fiji Islamic Center to raise funds for the Islamic Education Center (IEC) in Sabeto, (pronounced Saambeto) Fiji.

The fundraiser was to replace the IEC that was destroyed beyond repair by an electrical fire in 2019. Many alims had graduated from this center. The replacement cost is estimated to be FJD$2.5 million.

As MC of the program, I decided to talk about the history and the story of Sabeto pioneers since most present seemed unaware of their background. It is important to know your past history. I was encouraged to tell the story seeing two very prominent brothers present at the fundraiser. These two brothers changed the history and helped answer the prayers of the Muslims of Sabeto.

At the turn of the century in 1900s there were 4000 Muslims of Indian descent in Fiji and about 70 families lived in the capital Suva. These were from the British indentured labor system brought from India to work on the sugar cane farms. However, majority were Hindus. With such small minority the Muslims had a tough time with no political clout nor religious institutions.

Nine Muslim families moved to Sabeto Valley. They were Bakhtawar Khan—grandfather of Imamud Dean and my mother; Rahmat Ali Khan—father of Mohammed Rafi Khan; Abdullah Mahajan—father of Mohammed Sadiq; Budha Ali—father of Wajid Ali; Rahmatullah—father of Shaukat Ali; Gulam Ali—father of Mohammed Ali; Mahboob Khan—father of Master Jaffer Khan; Imamji—father of Noor Mohammedji and father of Mohammed Zikri. Alhamdullah, I had the pleasure of living among some of these elderly pioneers in the sixties before migrating to Canada.

In earlier days, these nine familes were very poor farmers with large familes living is grass houses called “bures”. They did not have the capacity to build masjid so they prayed their Jumuah and Eid Salaat outside on riverbanks. While the Hindus with their large numbers were able to build their school (Sabeto Indian School SIS) in 1913, the Muslims could just dream about it. In 1945 Master Jaffer was sent as a teacher by Education Ministry at SIS and the Muslims urged the school to let him teach Urdu and by extension Islamiyat. They did allow ½ hour sessions two days a week for a couple of years. Once the brother was transferred to another school, the pundits at SIS refused to allow Urdu in their school. The Muslims negotiated without any success so their leader Mohammed Taki Khan (younger brother of Mohammed Rafi) asked all the Muslim parents to boycott SIS and send their children to his home for Taleem. Imamud Dean became their teacher and Br. Taki took care of the children’s needs including providing lunch for the poor ones. This shocked the pundits and it lasted a few years. Ultimately the pundits relented and so Master MT Khan from Tavua was brought to teach Urdu at SIS in 1956.

Master MT Khan changed the dynamics in Sabeto since he was prolific in Urdu poetry, Naat, literature and the younger population were glued to him. The hunger for a centre grew from there and Br. Wali Mohammed (father of Sher Mohammed, Richmond) donated ½ acre land where a shed Musallah was built. In 1957 another adjacent 2.5 acres was purchased where a ninety feet long Sabeto Muslim School (SMS) was built in ninety days. On February 25, 1959 the school was opened and yours truly was one of the 125 pupils in the first year. The first dream of the Muslims of Sabeto was completed after 60 years. In 1971, a masjid was also built and the second dream was also realized.

At our fundraiser was our esteemed pioneer brother Mohammed DM Usman of Surrey who was the foreman of SMS and his assistant was Murhoom Hasmat Ali. Our esteemed brother Dean Mohammed also of Surrey was present and he was the foreman of Sabeto Masjid. His assistant was Murhoom Kasim Ali. I have simply no words to describe the impact of these two brothers on the people of Sabeto.

May Allah forgive the sins and have mercy of all these great luminaries of the past, those still with us and all the volunteers everywhere for their service to Muslims and Islam.

Our fundraiser target for 2024 is $100k and we collected $65k at that noble night. The project is to rebuild a center teach Qur’an. Remember our prophet has said the best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it. If you wish to assist, please e-transfer it to me at 6046578015 and I will send you the official receipt.


Article Source: ALAMEENPOST