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Conservatives and NDP Demand Stronger Action Against IRGC and Support for Iranian Canadians


Conservative Party Statement

The Honourable Michael Chong, Conservative Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Melissa Lantsman, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, released a statement condemning Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s handling of foreign interference and the listing of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

Key Points from the Conservative Statement:

The Conservative leaders criticized Trudeau for taking six years to list the IRGC as a terrorist organization, after voting for a Conservative motion to do so in 2018.

They highlighted the IRGC's strengthened position due to Trudeau's delay, allowing the group to operate within Canada, fundraise, recruit, and terrorize Iranian-Canadians.

Reports indicate 700 Iranian regime agents are operating in Canada, with ties to criminal groups like the Hell’s Angels.

The IRGC is responsible for numerous atrocities, including the death of Mahsa Amini and the downing of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752.

The Conservatives called for immediate, stronger action to protect Canadian national security and support the Iranian people's fight for freedom.

NDP Statement on Mahsa Jina Amini 

Heather McPherson, the NDP critic for Foreign Affairs, marked the anniversary of Mahsa Jina Amini’s death with a statement emphasizing the need for Canada to take more robust action against the IRGC and support Iranian women’s rights.

Key Points from the NDP Statement:

McPherson condemned the IRGC's ongoing brutality, including killings, arbitrary arrests, torture, and attacks on women.

She urged the Liberal government to employ all available tools, including stronger sanctions and coordinated global diplomacy, to end these human rights abuses.

McPherson announced a forthcoming Parliamentary study on Canada’s response to the situation in Iran, focusing on the IRGC’s terrorist listing and its links to residents in Canada.

The NDP reaffirmed their commitment to supporting the rights of women globally and ensuring safe asylum for those fleeing persecution.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Statement on National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a statement commemorating the victims of terrorism, including those lost in the 1985 Air India Flight 182 bombing.

Key Points from the Prime Minister's Statement:

Trudeau reaffirmed Canada’s commitment to countering terrorism and violent extremism through a modernized Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

The Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence and the Community Resilience Fund play key roles in these efforts.

Trudeau emphasized the recent listing of the IRGC as a terrorist entity and Canada’s collaboration with global partners to combat terrorism.


The statements from the Conservative and NDP parties highlight a shared demand for stronger action against the IRGC and support for Iranian-Canadians. Both parties criticize the Liberal government's delayed response and urge immediate measures to protect Canadian security and support human rights in Iran.

For further information and to support the cause, contact your local MP and advocate for increased action against foreign interference and support for those affected by the IRGC’s actions.


Article Source: ALAMEENPOST