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Erdogan Calls for Emergency OIC Summit Amid Rising Tensions in Gaza and Jerusalem


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for an emergency summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to address escalating violence in Gaza and what he referred to as Israel’s increasing “expansionism” in Jerusalem. Erdogan’s appeal comes amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Hamas militant group in Gaza, a war that has drawn widespread international attention.

During a cabinet meeting in Ankara, Erdogan urged Islamic nations to unite against Israel’s actions, particularly condemning what he described as Israeli attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a highly significant religious site for Muslims. "Al-Aqsa is a red line for Turkey," Erdogan said, emphasizing that Israel's policies in Jerusalem are part of a broader expansionist agenda.

The Turkish president has been a vocal critic of Israel, especially concerning its military operations in Gaza. His latest remarks highlight the urgency he feels for collective action from the Muslim world, particularly through the OIC, which represents 57 member states and acts as the voice for Islamic nations. "It is unthinkable for the OIC, whose duty is to defend the cause of Jerusalem, to remain indifferent to these attacks. It is urgent that the organisation convenes at the leadership level without delay," Erdogan stressed.

Erdogan also brought attention to a recent statement by Israeli far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who indicated his intention to build a synagogue within the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound if given the opportunity. Ben Gvir’s actions, including leading religious extremists in controversial visits to the mosque, have provoked widespread criticism, with many condemning them as incendiary.

Call for International Legal Action

In addition to calling for a united response from the OIC, Erdogan announced plans to pursue legal action against Israel following the death of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a Turkish-American activist killed by Israeli forces during a protest in the West Bank. Eygi was participating in a demonstration against Israeli settlements in the town of Beita when she was shot.

“We will take every legal step to ensure that Aysenur Ezgi’s blood is not left unavenged,” Erdogan vowed, adding that Turkey will apply to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to seek accountability for the killing.

Solidarity with Palestinians

Erdogan further expressed his solidarity with the Palestinian people, linking Turkey’s historical resistance against imperialism to the Palestinian struggle. “As a nation that made history with the epic of resistance against the imperialist powers during our War of Independence, we stand with our Palestinian brothers,” he declared.

With tensions in Gaza and Jerusalem at a boiling point, Erdogan’s call for an emergency OIC summit signals Turkey’s determination to rally the Islamic world against Israel’s policies, particularly regarding the contested holy sites in Jerusalem. The international community now watches closely to see if the OIC will heed Erdogan’s call and take collective action in response to the crisis.
