Ramadan, the annual month of introspection.
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Ramadan, the annual month of introspection. Time for self-reflection. Time for self-evaluation. Time to recalibrate our priorities. Time to identify our short-comings and recognize our strengths in our relationship with our creator.
It is the month when the Shaytan is chained. Thus, unable to influence our behaviour and our action. So if we continue to carry out an act, which we know is inappropriate or is against our Islamic teachings, such as lying. We can say, this cannot be from the Shaytan. Rather it is part of our own nature.
If we are having trouble waking up for Fajr in other months, but not in Ramadan. We can identify it as whispering of Shaytan and try to improve upon it, so we do not fall into the trap of the Shaytan in months outside of Ramadan.
Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) described this month as a month of blessings. “Ramadan has come to you, a blessed month.” [Ahmad 7148, Grade: Hasan]
Blessing (barakah) is growth and increase. Thus, rewards increase in Ramadan. The reward for the many righteous deeds performed by those fasting and praying at night in Ramadan are multiplied.
It is incumbent upon each Muslim to learn the virtues of Ramadan and maximize on the blessings it contains.
Among the virtues of Ramadan is that fasting it is a pillar of Islam, which in itself suffices as an honor and virtue. Allah Almighty said: Al-Baqarah (2) 183: “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.” Fasting is amongst the five pillars of Islam.
Among the virtues of Ramadan is that fasting in it erases sins, as the Prophet said: “The five daily prayers, from one Friday to the next, and from Ramadan to Ramadan, expiate the sins committed between them, as long as major sins are avoided.” [Muslim 233c]
He also said, “Whoever fasts during Ramadan, understanding its limits and refraining from that which he is required to avoid, has his previous sins forgiven.” [Ahmad 11524, Hasan (Arnaout)]
It is also the month when the Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammed. “The month of Rama?an [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an.” Al-Baqarah (2)185. Thus it is also called the month of Quran.
When we talk about the revelation of the Quran. It was revealed to Prophet Mohammed on the Night of Qadr. Allah says in the Quran, “Indeed, We sent it [the Qur’an] down during the Night of Decree.” Surah Al-Qadr (97) 1
Among the virtues of Ramadan is the ordained congregational night prayer in the masjids, which is known as Tarawih prayer. This practice is specific to Ramadan and is not observed at any other time. The Prophet said, “Whoever stands with the Imam until he finishes, it is recorded for him as if he had prayed the entire night.” [Tirmithi 806, Grade: Sahih (Albani)]
This the month many Muslims take out their annual, compulsory charity, alms, Zakat – One of the five pillars of Islam, which is due upon the rich to support the poor and needy in our society.
In light of the various world events it is imperative that each individual Muslim does a complete self-evaluation of him or herself, and his relationship with others, and especially his relationship with Allah.
Muslims need to acknowledge collectively that deviating away from Islamic teaching, the Quran, and the tradition of our beloved Prophet Mohammed, Peace be upon him, have drawn us closer to miseries and shame, and the only way to reclaim our true place, which Allah described us as, “The best amongst all nations” – Allah’s chosen people – and this is neither hereditary nor limited to a certain race, or creed. Rather, the qualities, if adapted by any human being on earth, would lead to elevating that person to be the best amongst humans, and that is “You invite others towards good, and prohibit people from doing wrong.” Very simple and basic concept.
However, to preach this to others, it is necessary that we lead by example. We need to inculcate these noble qualities in ourselves first, and start preaching within our own inner circles, starting with out immediate family members, our spouse and our children, our siblings etc.
Alas, only if we can comprehend the intrinsic power of being good to own self and others, and how this goodness spreads. We can in fact face any challenge that is thrown at us – individually as well as collectively as a nation or followers of Islam. However, the most important factor is to be the agent of that change.
It is only after that we can help our fellow brothers and sisters being oppressed around the globe. We are always saddened to see the horrific scenes on television and on social media about how the Muslims are being unjustly oppressed, tortured, forced and driven out of their lands, and even killed and mass-murdered.
Our heart aches at the symptoms, but we ignore the cause. We all know what the cause is. It is our own detachment from our own faith and its teachings. Our unwillingness to live our lives in accordance to the teachings of the Quran and distancing ourselves from the traditions and lifestyle demonstrated to us by our beloved Prophet, Mohammed, Peace be upon him.
Time has come if we truly wish to recalibrate our moral compass. The we need to make a commitment to ourselves and our creator, Allah, that we will change our compass (Qiblah) from Washington to Makkah.
It is only then we will not only be able rise as a strong community but will be able to assist our oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters, around the globe, whether it be Palestine, Kashmir, Sudan, Rohingya, Pakistan, China (Uyghurs), and other human beings, wherever they might be suffering or being oppressed.
Do not forget your oppressed and needy Muslims when dispensing your charity – Zakat and Zakat al-Fitr, and in your prayers. We pray that Allah guides us grants us the opportunity to retain the maximum benefits we can achieve during this blessed month od Ramadan.