Unsung heroes of our future
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As we celebrate BCMA's 50th anniversary and cherish the hard work of thousands of volunteers whom have poured in millions of hours of work, without a penny in return for compensation, except for the pleasure of Allah. We realize that their hard, dedication, commitment and sincere efforts have blossomed into a remarkable association, worth preserving.
Keeping that in mind we often talk about our unsung heroes from the past, but rarely we talk about those in present, and almost never about our young volunteers – our youth – who may not have the knowledge or experience. However, they have one thing which we, the older ones do not – energy!
It is time we start to develop the future volunteers of the Muslim community whose tiny shoulders will carry the burden of the fastest growing faith of this nation.
Time has come that we not only begin to recognize their hard work, and sincere efforts, rather take them under our wings and groom them to become the future leaders of our community, who will be best prepared and well equipped to face the challenges that lay ahead.
We know those challenges will be much more gruesome and complex than the ones our predecessors had to face. It is for this reason, at AlAmeen Post we would like to start a discussion on this topic and step into the future by recognizing those who will eventually be our unsung heroes of the future.
We urge all those involved in community work, BCMA and non BCMA associations and organizations to develop and action plan on grooming our youth to face the future challenges which our community will be facing. Let's not be reactive – wait and watch – instead, let's be proactive in identifying the strengths as well as weaknesses within our youth.
Let's capitalize on the energy they harness within and capture their zeal to excel for the benefit of the Muslim community, before its lost forever.
